Help us make DEF CON 33 a success!

The number 33 with a gold key running through it, with the DEF CON logo underneath

We are looking for people to help us support the Ham Radio Village at DEF CON 33!
Read all of the below information before proceeding. Thank you.

If you've been looking to give back to the amateur radio community, this is a great way to introduce others to the hobby, network with others, and have a good time within the Ham Radio Village!

Note: We're running things a little bit differently when it comes to coordinating staff. Once accepted, you'll get a link to create an account for our shift scheduler where you can register for shifts.

Also: We're only doing one form for staff & VEs so if you're looking for the CFVE, you're already here!

Staff Types

Village Staff

Village staff are responsible for helping people navigate the Ham Radio Village, answer questions people may have about the amateur radio hobby, run demonstration tables, help with setup/teardown, and any additional logistics to help the HRV get the amateur radio hobby out to the masses of DEF CON!

Contest Staff

Contest staff are responsible for overseeing the HRV contests, including the Fox Hunt and (pending approval) the "will it ham" contest. Contest staff will need to understand the rules of the contest and be ready to answer any questions attendees may have.

Volunteer Examiners

Volunteer Examiners (VEs) are the backbone of the HRV, and help extend the tradition of free amateur radio license testing at DEF CON conferences for years! You do not need to already be an accredited VEs to help! All those who volunteer will become a part of the HRV Laurel VEC VE team. As mentioned, exams are administered under the Laurel VEC, allowing everyone to take their exam free. The software used for the actual exam taking/grading process. Therefore VEs are required to have a device able to connect to the internet and has a camera.

Staff Expectations

All HRV staff are expected to have an understanding of the amateur radio hobby and should have their technician license. If you're looking to volunteer w/ the HRV & don't have a license, feel free to reach out to us & we'll get you started on the process of getting your license and on the air.

All HRV staff are must follow the 3-2-1 rule: Every day of the conference you must have at least 3 hours of sleep, at least two meals and at least one shower (please). Help us keep the HRV spaces and overall conference atmosphere fresh & welcoming :).

All those who contribute to the Ham Radio Village are entitled to a one year benefactor membership within the HRV, which waves membership dues into our happy little ham radio club. Additional vectors of thanks are also in the works currently for DEF CON.

If you would like to help us, then fill out the form and we'll get in touch with you based off of your application!


Badges are available for volunteers upon request, but please note they are distributed primarily based on time of your form response. The HRV gets a limited amount every year, and not everyone who requests a badge will get one. Those who do get a badge from us are expected to work 8 hours or more.


Please direct any questions to AI0J (Eric) & N8FCC (Justin) on discord or email

What should we call you? (Besides Awesome, because you are!)

Enter your email address we can reach you at.

Enter your amateur radio callsign. If you don't have one, leave it blank.

What license class are you?

Enter a phone number where we can reach you, especially during the event.

Enter your discord username. (Not your ID or Nickname). If you don't have discord, you will need to create an account (it's free!) and join the Ham Radio Village discord server.

Answer yes if you've ever volunteered with Ham Radio Village at a previous event in any capacity (such as VE, Village, Staff, or Contest support)

If returning, what was the most recent event you helped out with? Leave this blank if you're new.

Please select all options you're willing to help with.

Enter your T-Shirt size (unisex)

The HRV gets a limited amount every year, and not everyone who requests a badge will get one. Those who do get a badge from us are expected to work 8 hours or more.

I agree to follow the Ham Radio Village code of conduct found at and any event-specific codes of conduct.

If there is a specific time/day you will not be available (not in town, attending talk/workshop/etc) please let us know so we can accommodate around your schedule If you're not sure/your availability changes once presentation/event schedules go out, feel free to email N8FCC at

Now's you're chance to say it. Feel free to brag about your DXpeditions here.