Ham Radio Village

Strengthening the Amateur Radio community through fun events!
Our mission is to deliver high-quality and innovate amateur radio related educational content, hands-on experiences, and license testing sessions online and in-person through events. We believe that the more people know about amateur radio, the more safe, secure, functional, and innovative our wireless products, services, and experiments will be.
Our team of dedicated volunteers is responsible for generating all new research, giving talks and demonstrations at events, building and testing experiments, as well as offering support to the general ham radio community.
What can you learn from Ham Radio Village?
- Understanding just exactly how radio frequency communications work.
- Get hands on experience building and tuning antennas.
- Connect with folks year round to help you learn and discover more about radio.
- Find out how you can legally transmit signals at 1,500 Watts of power.
- Gain a useful toolkit of skills allowing for further experimentation.
- Learning how the ham radio hobby and radiosport can improve your hacking skills.
- Providing a forum for hams (and future hams) at DEF CON and other events to meet up, share, and learn.
Want to help?
If you're interested in helping out in any way with Ham Radio Village, join our Discord Server.
you can also drop a line to board@hamvillage.org and we'll get in